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We welcome children to our setting once they have turned 2 1/2 (we have limited places for those aged 2+ - please contact us for details) and would encourage you to book your child in for settling in sessions a couple of weeks before this. Early entitlement places are available the term after your child's third birthday - if you would like more details of this, please just ask one of our staff.


We ask that parents/carers fill out an enrolment form so that we have all your details to hand should we need to contact you, or to know anything about your child whilst they are in our care. Please click to download the registration document, consent form, contract, medication consent and photography & social media consent form - complete them and return them to playgroup.


We would appreciate it if you could also read through our Statement of Purpose and familiarise yourself with our policies - all documents can be found in the DOCUMENTS tab.


Our fees are as follows (invoiced a month in advance):

Morning session - £8.50

Lunch session - £3.50 please add £2.40 for a hot school meal or your child can bring a packed lunch 

Afternoon session - £8.50


In addition we charge £5 a month for a healthy snack each day. 


Sessions are:

Morning - 9:00am - 11:30am

Lunch - 11:30am - 12:30pm

Afternoon - 12:30pm - 3:00pm





We offer polo shirts and round neck jumpers for the children in our setting which helps to make sure their own clothes don't get spoiled.


Speak to a member of staff to place your order.

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